Sankofa Homeschool Collective joins the One Love Co-Op to co-create the “Sankofa-One Love Earth School.” The Earth School is a unique schooling experience that prepares students and their families for living life on Earth together. Open to students as young as 10 years old with the support of their families, the Earth School is centered in GED & College Prep education with holistic, life-preparing, multicultural elective offerings from all over the world.
Monday-Thursday is virtual GED prep and electives;
Friday is out in the Earth to be active, explore, homestead with Harvest 2 Health, and learn from the greatest classroom there is.
Once a month is the required "Intentional Living" workshop for all families, sponsored by the One Love Co-Operative.
Each year, the Earth School community is invited to participate in One Love Co-Op global travel adventures with the whole family, as well as the many opportunities for community healing and volunteering with the One Love Co-Op Network.
With scholarships for DC residents, the Earth School promises an unforgettable experience here on Earth.